Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obama's speech last night

I listened to Mr. Obama's speech on race yesterday. I was impressed with something in his words. I didn't know what was it at once. So I went to the Huffington Post web and found the transcript. I printed it out and brought with me today to read it on the train. For me, as an English learner, it is rather difficult to catch the whole meaning right away, but I think I should read it, and I'd like to know what it means. Is race issue still existed in the U.S. or even in our country? I think, yes. And we should know the fact. Not only the current situation but also the relevant history. I'd love to learn about it.


Louie Louie said...

Yes, that's a big issue here. It's not a rational issue, but it seems to be an emotional one. Political speeches seem to appeal to the emotional more than the logical and rational so it's all the more hard to the meaning in them. And the reaction to the issue is different depending on where in the U.S. you happen to live. Even I, an American, don't understand this issue. I'm kind of disgusted with the candidates we have available. I think I'll just vote for Ralph Nader. :-)

Naoko said...

Hi joe hotcuppa! Thank you very much for your comment.
I've known only a few places in the US so it's very interesting for me to know your political perspective. I've heard of Ralph Nader. He is the leader of the Green Party, right? I think I listened to him on my favorite radio show, The Brian Lehrer Show a few years ago. And I have been disgusted with Japanese partisan politics these days!

Louie Louie said...

I think Ralph Nader ran on the Green Party ticket the last time, but this time he's just an Independent. Of course none of the "third party" candidates has a chance of winning, so voting for one of them is like a protest vote. I found the list of 3rd party candidates here:

Glad you're interested in the election. It should be very interesting this year.

Naoko said...

Hi joe!
If I may, can I call you joe?

Thank you very much for the information! I didn't know Ralph Nader is an independent this time! And I was surprised to know there are a large number of 3rd party candidates!

The US election system is very different from our system. I'm very much interested in the US presidential election this year!

Louie Louie said...

Yes, you may.

Well, I was also surprised
about the many people running
for president when I looked
that up. Thanks to your comments
I'm now more informed about our
own elections! :-)