I have big news to tell!
I'm going to New York again!!!
This time, I'm going to be a volunteer at a nursing home in Brooklyn. I don't know how thankful I am to this opportunity. After talkingwith Takao about my dream of being a volunteer at a nursing home in NY, things progressed so swiftly. It was as if it was not only my will but also some great power's will. A lot of people have helped me to turn my dream into reality in many ways, writing recommendation letters, encouraging me, listening to me, giving me ideas, sharing their dreams with me, sharing my pain and joy together, and just being with me.
With all the help, I'm given the opportunity to go to New York again and am going to stay there for a year.
I don't know what I can do for the residents. I just want to do my best. I just want to give my whole heart to them. I think there's no other way I can do for them but just be sincere to them.
I'm so thankful to all people around me in Japan. Takao, his family, my mother, members of the senior choir, music friends, and English learning friends. They always back me up.
Oh, I don't know how to describe my current feeling.
I just feel like saying thank you not only to people around me but also to all things around me, birds, flowers, the winds, the sun, the sky, and even the ants busily working on the street!!!

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