Actually I got a bad nose cold and took a day off today. I stayed home all day and was preparing for the final exam of the choral conducting class slowly.... and got stuck! Now, to change my mood, I want to write about my days after the concerts.
There was a sad thing about the concert. I didn't want to write about it because it was so sad....
My piano student at the nursing home was supposed to come to the Columbia concert. I was hoping to invite her for a long time and when I knew it was likely to happen, I was so delighted and was very much looking forward to it.
I asked the conductor about the accessibility for the wheelchair people and she inquired to the security about it and told me how to do.
On the concert day, I did as I was told to do so. I asked both the security at the gate and the university office's to help her to get in and also asked the church worker to take care of her.
I was looking for her all the time during the concert in the audience but couldn't find her. I was really disappointed and at the same time was worried about her, was wondering what had happened to her.....
Later I knew what had happened.
She called the Access-A-Ride to come to the entrance that evening at 6:30. They came, but at the different entrance from the one she told them to come. Then she missed her ride. It's really simple....!! But I couldn't believe it had happened. I decided to try to forget about it because I knew she must feel sadder than I do.
This Tuesday, I saw her at the Bible study for the first time since the concert. I hugged her from her back. She told me that she tried not to cry but just started to cry and couldn't stop. I told her that I will have more concerts next year so we could make it next time. I must invite her again for one of the next year's concerts.
It was a really heart breaking event for me. But such things happen often. So I should not be discouraged as she would tell me so everytime I get down.
By the way, as for the Thanksgiving holidays, I had a great time at Lisa's sister's place. in Philadelphia. More than 10 people got together cooked meal together, of course including a big turkey, said a grace one after another before meal as we handed in hand each other, enjoyed playing with the lovely kids. Especially, I taught some Japanese expressions to one of the kids. She was really excellent! She could copy my writing of any kind of Japanese characters, including Kanji, Katakana, Hiragana. I really enjoyed spending time there. It was my first Thanksgiving in my life. I think I gained some weight from it because I ate incredibly too much! I couldn't move at all when we finished the dinner! I think so did everybody there!

I enjoyed the conversation with Lisa on our way to and from there in the car. There were just two of us. Lisa was not busy except driving. We had to sit down at the same place all the time. It was good. I felt no hurry and could talk with peace.
After coming back home, I had several rehearsals for the small concert this coming Saturday. I'm singing a trio and a quintet with Friday night group people. I love everyone of them so I feel very happy to sing with them! But now..... I got a bad cold!! I canceled today's schedule, a hymn singing recording in the morning, a chapel service piano playing in the afternoon, the C4 rehearsal for the first time since the last concert. I wanted to be all places today... but just gave up. I thought the most important thing for me would be having a rest. I feel so sorry... but I believe it was a right decision.
I hope I'll be OK by Saturday and want to enjoy singing with everyone.
After the small concert, I will have the final exam for the choral conducting class. This will be very very challenging. I've been reading a music theory book since last Saturday. Rita lent me the book. It is filled with lots of things I wanted to know, chord progression rule, Roman numeric triad names, and so on. Richard lent me a big keyboard yesterday. I have only a mini keyboard which can only sound two notes at a time. Richard's keyboard can sound many notes at a time so I can confirm the assignment's choral sound with it. When I was stuck with the English expression in the questions, Lisa and Jonathan helped me to get the meaning. Now I have more questions about the meaning of the lyric. It's related to the Bible so I can ask it, maybe to Ieva? I'm so happy to be surrounded by people who are always willing to help me! I can't do anything without their help.
After the exam on Monday, I'll have my next music class at the Home. We are singing Jingle Bells, should be fun!
Then.... I have to prepare for my move, which will be the following Saturday, 13th. I don't know how much more stuff I have than I moved here in May. I got more cloths which I bought at the Salvation Army or the Goodwill shops, more books, more music, more shoes, bot not furniture.... so should be easy!
OK, now I have to get back to the exam stuff. I should enjoy it. I don't have to do it because I don't have to get the credit by it. The teacher is so kind that she gave me a chance to try it. I really appreciate her kindness. Anything I'm learning new will be my benefit for my life. I should do my best and if I can't do it well, that's OK, right? Yes!
It's already December, now. I can't believe it. Time goes by soooooo fast, which might mean I'm spending a fruitful life here, but I feel so sad when I realize that time's passing by because it means my days being here is falling away.
Since the Thanksgiving, I've seen a lot of Christmas trees on the street, heard every kind of Christmas carols from the radio, Christmas is coming!

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