Thursday, June 25, 2009

better and better

When you feel something worst, then you will feel better and better as I've been so for the past two days!

When I woke up yesterday morning, I already felt better.

I chatted with my friend, who made me feel even better. She listened to my story and understood the struggling and was with me.

Today, I went shopping to buy a pair of black sandals since the only black pair I had got broken last week. I found good ones and felt so happy.

You can do anything which might make you feel better and you'd realize you had been already happy.


Ieva said...

So happy you're happy again! I'd love to see a picture of those black sandals.

Naoko said...

Hi Ieva,

Thank you for your comment. I miss our ritual meeting at McDonald cafe, where we had a deep converstaion each time. I'll try to take a picture of the new sandals!