Thursday, June 26, 2008

family, money, weather, fashion.....

Family might not be always important. There are those who love being alone. But at a nursing home, it matteres, I think. People are divided into three types, people who have family visiting them, people who have family but not vising them, and people without any family. It matteres..... I think. Even if you had been living your life being alone, once you get into a nursing home, naturally you miss your family because there is little to think about, to care about. Even if your family don't visit you or rarely visit you, at least you can think about them, talk about them, care about them, pray for them..... I want believe that friends or warm staff can replace it, but it seems not. Family is a last resort.

Money might not be always important. There are those who like not having much money. But at a nursing home, you might want money as much as you can, maybe you want more than you spend or need. I hear the word, "money", a lot. Money is important, especially for those who don't have family. If you don't have family, money can be a last resort.

As I'm writing this, I'm not so sure my perspective is correct or not. I might be going to find more things, get different perspectives from now on.

OK, weather.
We talk about weather. A lot. It seems sometomes in vain. Because the residents rarely go out. Only staff come from outside of the world, and go to the outside. So weather actually doesn't matter to the residents. Whether it is in a strong storm or in a terrible heat, it's always comfortable inside of the building. It's unnatural. But comfortable. Comfortable? Unnatural? Which is better? I don't know. We anyway talk about weather for the starter of the conversation. When the residents talk about heat or storm or snow or humidity, it might be from the past, from their memories. It's nice..... but? I don't know what I want them to do, but, something is strange in my mind. But, but, but...... it's natural for us to talk about the day's weather, about the season, about the nature. It maybe natural.

Fashion matters.
Yes, they don't go out so often. They go out when they go to get a medical test, or to see a doctor at another hospital. They don't go to concerts, or movies. Some do, but very rare, maybe.
But we care fashion. We praise each other's clothes, accessaries, nails, hairstyle, bags, shoes, and so on. So people might take time and think about what to wear that day because it's fun. People don't have many things but enjoy thinking of it. I love this attitude!

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