Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hello diary, long time no see...!

I haven't written about my life for a while. I've been fine but just having no time or no energy or too many things to want to write...... !

There was a fund-raising dinner dance party by my nursing home last week. I enjoyed it very much although I am not good at party scenes. I met several people whom I had first met on my second day at the nursing home. They were visiting us to bring donated clothes by church people. I had lunch with them. I remember the day very well because I was new at that time and was nervous and insecure. I was very glad to meet them again and was able to talk to them my joyful stories at the nursing home since I met them last time. It's been more than 6 months. I just realized how many stories I have to tell them! They are planning to visit us again next spring. They said they would try to make it before my going back to Japan. If it comes true, that'd be great!

My next place to live have been decided. My friend, Lisa, let me stay in her apartment again! I'm so excited to live with her again. Since I left her place, I missed the conversation we used to have every day. I feel very very thankful to her and very glad to be back in Park Slope, close to my church friends! I'll be moving out in the middle of Dec.

I had my music class (activity) at the nursing home yesterday. It was the third time. We sang the "Love's Old Sweet Song". Pastor Ieva helped me and it went quite well. Actually it was went interestingly well. At the warm-up time, I told them to roll their shouler and their neck..... most of them couldn't do that well. Some of them couldn't move their body, others couldn't understand my instruction, another couldn't hear me at all. It was somehow disfunctional, but still I enjoyed it very much. I have to think about simpler explanation or simpler way. Having microphone around, I asked people to say their name and their favorite flower. One woman just started to sing a hymn. She might have thought it was a chapel service since Pastor and I were around. Right, it's always at church when we are around. She went on till third verses and I enjoyed her singing a lot. After that I told everyone "now you can tell she is a great singer!" Everybody agreed with me. Communicating, understanding, reponding..... it's always not easy at our place. But somehow, always unexpected things happen and we all enjoy those happenings!

I'll be appearing at two concerts at the end of this month and am getting nervous. Everyday I wake up with insecure feeling like if my voice is OK today or not.... if I forgot everything about music, if I can do it OK tonight rehearsal.... sort of things.

God will take care of you. You are going to be OK, Naoko!
Good night and see you soon!

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