Saturday, November 22, 2008

yellow ribbons

Among the pieces we sing tonight, there is a song titled "Yellow is the Color of Ribbons" composed by one of our members, Karen Siegel. On Thursday night, when we had a dress rehearsal, the conductor, Phillip, told us to imagine anyone who passed away as we sing it. I want to tribute this song to Ms. James, a resident of my nursing home, who passed away this Tuesday.

She had been such a caring person. I remember the time Ieva and I visited her to the hospital when she had a diarrhea and was hospitalized. She seemed so weak, her voice was so small. When we talked to her, the first thing she asked us was how was everyone at the nursing home. She didn't complain her situation at all but worried about everyone else even when she herself was weak and had a hard time. I was so impressed with her caring attitude and loved her a lot. She was an angel God sent to us.

On Monday, I had my music class at the Home. After that Ieva told me that she was not doing well and might be dying before very long. I was shocked to hear that and felt so sad. We tried to reach her pastor, her close friend to let them know the situation. She asked her friend to bring her bags in which she put her important things. Ieva and I entered her room and tried to find the bags but couldn't find them. I had a sad feeling as I was doing it. The bed was empty and we were not sure if she could come back here again.

Then on Thursday, I went to the Home to help the chapel service and was told she had passed away on Tuesday, the next day we entered her room......

You had been so warm, kind, caring to everyone. You were loved and will be loved forever, Ms. James. Thank you very much being with us, with me, in your last days at the nursing home. We will never forget you.

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