Tuesday, April 5, 2011

managed to go to my piano lesson

I woke up this morning with mild fever and slight join ache. Took cold medicine and practiced a bit after feeling better. I go to my piano lesson every two weeks so I didn't want to miss this time.  I went to my teacher's place and had a good time.  She has a keen ear and never fail to hear small differences or problems in my playing. Also she is willing to listen to my perspectives so it's a kind of cooperation of building up a good music between two of us. I like her!

On my way home I did some grocery shopping, bread, milk, fried chicken cutlets, and onions.

Finally I'll have nothing to do tomorrow so it'll be a perfect rest day then I should be better soon, I'm sure!

It was so warm today although I felt a bit cold due to my malfunction.....  I saw several cherry trees blooming fully on my way to the lesson, so beautiful!  Spring is really here!  I'm glad we don't have to use much electricity for now!

Bad news never stop coming about the nuke plants.  This time, radiation contaminated water with extremely high level (I don't feel how high it is any more since I've kept hearing the huge figures again and again, It's really fearful to feel like this... ) started to flow out to the sea a few days ago  and the professionals have been trying so hard to stop it then failed again and again.  Today they seem to be succeeded partly, the volume of water flowing out reduced after their putting liquid glass in middle of the flowing way.  They had to let out the low radiation contaminated water to secure the storage for the high contaminated water.  I don't know how bad we are now any more.... maybe really bad, then what?  What we can do is just to pray for the situation getting better, that's it.  I realized how powerless we humans are.  After this bad situation is ended, we really live with the nature with great respect.  I hope we can find a good way to work out.

Good night from Osaka, Japan!

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