Thursday, July 24, 2008

Everybody's Amazing Story.

We had Bible study at the adult day health care center.

A volunteer pastor was supposed to show up but was not there on time. So I just started to sing Amazing Grace with the participants while we were waiting for the pastor. Then, something came up to my mind. I started to talk to them, "I love this song! And I want to hear your amazing stories today. Let me tell you my amazing story. My amazing story is being here! When I started to think about being a volunteer in foreign country, I had no idea to make it realized. I just told my thought to my husband. After getting his approval, I e-mailed my friend in Brooklyn, whom I met three years ago when I stay there for three months to learn English. She is pastor Ieva's friend! Also they were going to get together the next day. Over lunch, they talked about me and decided to have me here! Isn't it amazing?" They listened to my story enthusiastically. I was glad to share my story with them.

My piano student talked about her story, one time she was very sick and the doctor told her she might have died. But at midnight, she somehow survived miraculously!

One woman talked about her son. Soon after his birth, he got sick. All family gave up him but her. She took her son to NY from their state (down south). He had an operation and saved! She said, "God is a doctor of doctors." I liked the expression.

Then the volunteer pastor called the staff and left a message that she could not come and we could learn Psalm 91.

I asked people to do a opening prayer. A woman raised her hand. I had never heard her pray. To my great joy, she prayed soooooo beautifully, which made a staff said, "It was beautiful!"

Then a woman in a wheel chair raised her hand and told us how thankful she is to God. I remember once she told us her story. She loves singing. She had a dream one night, where her singing voice went up and up to high to the heaven to God. She said she is thankful to God that he gave her her voice to sing even though she can't walk. Yesterday, she led a song for us. She requested a song and I said "is it included in our song book?" She said no. Then I asked her "then you can lead us to sing!" She said, "Everybody knows the song!" I said, "But we need you to lead us! Please do it!" I handed the microphone to her and she led us beautifully.

My piano student read the Bible, Psalm 91 for us and explained the meaning. I really appreciated her help. I couldn't do it without her help.

For the closing prayer, I asked a woman to do it. I remember she told us her beautiful story one time. She once wanted to die but rethought about it and then reached the idea, she could help people and she could go on her life, to be needed. I loved her idea and I wanted her to pray. She hesitated a little bit at first but did it at last! I was really glad to hear her prayer.

It turned out to be a good time. I know God helped me to do it. He let me do it.
Thank you.

It's been really tough these days at the nursing home. I don't know what I should do and what I don't have to. I think I'm here to communicate with people. But at the same time, to join the religious activities became an important part of my job, too, because people look forward to participate the activities. It's really hard to make a good balance between everything, not only things but also people.


Lisa W said...

Dearest Naoko,
As usual, you have captured such a magical picture of the past week when I've been away, and I am moved to tears as I read of your struggles with trying to adjust to the unknown, unstable situation you are in. And as usual, you have risen beyond your doubts and fears and have been able to find a strength within yourself, and in doing so, have helped others find their own strength. You continue to inspire and encourage me.
I miss you terribly and hope to see you on Sunday -- or Saturday? Whatever works for you!
All my love,
Your Lisa

Naoko said...

thank you for your warm words, Lisa.
I won't see you at church for the next two weeks because I will join the second workshop at Smith from this weekend.
I miss you, too...