Monday, July 14, 2008

my close friend at the nursing home was hospitalized.

On Friday, I knew my piano student was hospitalized

Thursday afternoon. She was fine at lunch time. We talked about the woman having passed away. She said she would come to the service in the afternoon. She didn't come to the service. Ieva and I were worried about her. Then we knew she had a pain and bounding in her heart and was brought to the hospital Thursday afternoon.

She is the woman who gave me a nice knit cap a few days ago. On my first day, we had lunch together. She told me that her dream is learning how to play the piano until she dies. Soon after that, we started having piano lessons after Thursday's church service. Then we became close and close. She is a really lovely person. She takes care of every one at the nursing home. She always wants to make every one happy. She is always willing to help everybody. One day she told me that her dream was to make a Home for children who have no family, or need education, in her own country, Trinidad. When she came to the US, she was going back to her country after getting certain medical treatment. However, it was not realized. She said that she promised it to her husband so she wanted to keep the promise. She looked so sad when she told me that. But I think she is doing meaningful things here. Not for children but for the residents here!

I was so sad when I heard of her hospitalization. Ieva and I visited the hospital after work on Friday. She was in the ER. She was sleeping on a small bed in a noisy atmosphere. When she saw us, her eyes got filled with tears. We talked to each other for a while and sang a hymns together and pray together hand in hand.

I hope she gets well soon and comes back to the Home. We need her. Everybody needs her.

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